Notice the cots drying out in the background-
Campfire Memories-
Nana, Dandy and the B's
We went camping last weekend. There was absolutely no chance of rain when we left but when we woke up that morning to thunder and lightning we decided to take cover. We took the girls in for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and $72.00 later we killed time around Wal-mart until the storm passed. When we got back the tent had given way under the pressure of the water and there was about 2 inches of water in most of our huge tent. I wasn't thinking of a picture at that point so you'll have to imagine that part. We cleaned it up and started over. The girls didn't seem to notice and fun was had by all. The rest of the day was beautiful. We got back home and everything still smells like a campfire but we had a great time so that's what counts right? Oh and I forgot to mention that the night before we got a late start and then sat on the interstate for 2 hours because a truck lost its load. So we (and by we I mostly mean Ayric) set up our tent by a lantern and we finally got to bed around 2am. But stick around, things like this happen to us ALL the time. Our lives are better (or worse)than fiction most times.
I just have to laugh out loud at this one. I thought I was the only one that could make my daughter camp with a huge, matching bow in her hair. ha! I have been known to make her swim that way too. LOL! oh boy, we've really lost it you know? Rick says she came out with one on. ~Tanya
Great job on the camping. Staying in the hunting shack is the closest we go to camping.
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