Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not Me Monday


I did not tell my family to pretend we were on vacation when we had to start using beach towels because all of the towels were dirty! That could never happen in my home because I wash every day and I would never let things get out of hand like that-not me!

I did not let my husband feed our 6 month old daughter MASHED POTATOES because that was the easier than pureeing more "baby food". Not me, because I know they were made with real milk and a stick of butter. I would never allow that until she is at least a year.

And last....I did not have my husband link this for me because I am so techno-saavy, I never have to ask for help.


Jennifer said...

Love all the B names! Great Not Me's! And I had to ask for help to learn how to link things on my blog too!!

Ashley said...

I have NEVER had to use beach towels before either. No way. I am always caught up on laundry!

Honey Mommy said...

Haha! I have a seven-month old, and I have certainly never let him taste our food... like ice cream, mashed potatoes, etc.

What kind of mother would do that? :o)

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

My husband totally didn't have to walk me through the link thingy the first time I posted on Not Me! Mondays. I completely get all that html stuff.
Great post.
From a fellow Wright in Maryland.

-stephanie- said...

We are so smart. I didn't have to ask my husband for help either.

Shanan Strange said...

Your blog is adorable! Found you on MckMama and wanted to drop in and say Hello!

heidi said...

Look how cute your girlies are!!

Beach toewls are NOT in the bathroom with the reg towels here because I got tired of seperating them this summer.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Cute girls. I have the same laundry issue here.

Anonymous said...

I am so loving your beach towel To funny..

Amie said...

Pretend they are on vacation!! that had me LOL! Very clever. And I will so be using that...TOMORROW. Because we are TOTALLY NOT out of bath towels becuase I was supossed to put a load in and instead spent my time catching up on not me mondays!
