Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!

It's Monday again...and you know what that means! Lots of things people from all around the globe would never do.

As for me...

I would never get teary eyed as they played the wedding march this weekend when 2 of my 3 were flower girls thinking it would someday be them. Why would I do that, they are 3 and 6. I've got plenty of time and time definitely does not seem to be going way too fast!

I would never let my newly turned 3 year old have a paci on the way home from the wedding because I knew she would fall fast asleep and there would be quiet in the car! I mean she is way too old for that. Along these lines I have avoided telling her NO to the paci and making a big deal because of times like these when I know I will revert. I have been trying the subtle encouragement instead.

I did not wake up from my mothers day nap to find these things going on:

The girls must have heard him snoring and covered him up. He went in there to play with them-LOL

Brynlee found the paintbrushes but luckily no paint!

Blaire decided she didn't like the church dress on and apparently put herself down for a nap.

Can you find the girl in the mess? They had even stacked furniture on top of each other- oh my!


Jami Ainsworth said...

Cute post...I found you from Not Me Monday! I love your girls gymboree clothes. We have some of the same taste. But what I noticed the most was the brown wooden rocking chair in the photo with all the toys. I swear it looks like the same chair that we was my husband's when he was a child. Just curious about the chair!

Jami Ainsworth said...

I will have to find an image with our rocking chair and put it on my blog. You'll see! It's so neat! I don't know the exact date of it. My husband's grandmother (raised him) bought it for him. At some point, after our first child was born, she gave it to us. It's such a nice well-made chair...not like you get these days. I do remember asking her where she bought it and I think she said at local dollar store. Imagine getting something like that at a dollar store these days!

My son is actually 20 now and it's his daughter w/me in the photo. She is the reason I started blogging. I started Worth Remembering after her parents married and moved to their college that I would have a blog since not would everything revolve around her. So now the chair is used for her. So our little wooden rocking chair is on it's third generation!

Yes, it really is neat how the internet can connect two complete strangers with the same rocking chair!

Katie Kordsmeier said...

lol! Oh my gosh I am laughing hystercially at Ayric right now! That is so something Trey would, not do!

twarpula said...

LOL its like where is waldo! Looks like our playroom. LOL!