Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Make Bracelets

Funny-it is amazing how many people I have known for years will get my business card or find out I make bracelets that have no idea. Recently I have gotten orders from friends, etc and thought well maybe I should let everyone know. I make bracelets. Mommy bracelets mainly, but I do other stuff by request. For example, grandma bracelets, cancer awareness, school colors, picture frames. Well, you can see for yourself...braceyourselfdesigns.com Shoot me an email robyn@braceyourselfdesigns.com

They are also on display at Graham Crackers, (childrens consignment in Wake Village).

It's not too late for Christmas, especially if you are local. I can mail UPS and it will get there also.

Oh and we have been struggling on a Christmas Card...3 kids smiling harmonioulsy-haha

So here are some from the photo shoot we are NOT using. I decided you can't really see what they look like under all the hats so we opted for indoor shots...wait and see!

So this was going to be titled, Who Needs Snow? Hence all the leaves, sled, and gear. But didn't really turn out as planned. Oh well. don't sweat the small stuff right?